Business Administration
ENADE Evaluation - Note 5
About the Course
Bachelor's degree
Course Modality:
(00) 0 0000-0000
The Course
The Business Administration course from UNIFEI was created in the year of 1997 with an innovative approach and the differential of entitlement on entrepreneurship and small businesses. This pedagogical approach did not follow any patterns that already existed in the country by then.
In this graduation course, the student is exposed to many out-of-class activities that seek the development of entrepreneur characteristics and the creative and innovative behavior.
Besides entrepreneurship, the Business Administration course from UNIFEI has other many areas of a significant focus. One of them is Financial Administration from UNIFEI, that has one of the largest workloads in the country. Aggregating to the differentials, there is also Marketing, that is a milestone of the course.
There’s no such common ground in the international academic environment about what exactly is entrepreneurship, who is the entrepreneur and what makes them be such. There are vast researches on this theme in the greatest universities of the world.
There has been given much attention recently to the creation of new business or projects, and of the economic and financial feedback from those. There is still the psychological strand of entrepreneurship, that studies the behavior and motivations from the entrepreneur.
The Business Administration course from UNIFEI constantly contributes to solidifying this new science. This has been done through research and the alliance between theory and practice, that is one of the foundations of the course.
Pedagogical Project
Part of the course’s approach is that the English language should be taught in every year of the Business Administration course. Therefore, besides specific subjects such as English for Business and seminaries in English, all the text books of the course are in English, besides subjects such as Financial Administration and Marketing being taught in English.
Through this approach, the student not only develops a strong academic degree, but is also exposed to practical opportunities for their development as a professional of excellence.
Collegiate and Commissions
The business administrator
The business administrator should adapt progressively to the quick socioeconomic changes. Due to this, besides needing a strong administrative and technical knowledge, the individual needs to present the capacity to learn continuously, and most importantly, own skills and characteristics of an entrepreneur that, between the ones we highlight: future sight; leadership; autonomy; creativity; perseverance; being bold (take moderate risks).
Due to this, the business professional, beyond meeting the needs from the big and medium corporations, will also have as a career option, the micro and small businesses, as a consultant or manager, but also as a business person and consequently, an employer.