On June 24, a video conference meeting with Maurício Benvenutti, founder of the largest startup platform in Brazil, StartSe, took place at the Federal University of Itajubá (Unifei) campus.
The event took place in the Helibras room, located at the Institute of Production and Management Engineering (IEPG). The organization was sponsored by the Unifei Entrepreneurship Center (CEU) and the event adherence reached the academic and external community.
Directly from Silicon Valley, Mauritius interacted live with event attendees, telling a bit of his story and giving some tips for people starting out in the business right now. He who has gone through several companies and big startups, is the founder of StartSe, a company focused on helping startups that are in their early stages and transition to sales escalation.
The entrepreneur also wrote the book “Daring”, which shows the five competencies needed to build unwavering careers and businesses today. He is also a participant in the creation of XP Investimentos, one of the largest financial institutions in Latin America.
The event was open to the community and attended college and professional graduates, seeking to improve their knowledge related to entrepreneurship. Around 70 participants were registered at the event, including students and teachers.
According to CEU, the event was important to present to students what they will really find in the job market, as well as pointing out the possibilities of professional performance, showing how the acquired knowledge can impact the world in which we live.
To learn more about entrepreneur Mauricio Benvenutti, those interested can consult the link https://www.linkedin.com/in/benvenutti/